
Mark Van de Velde, Research projects :


BantuTyp is a research project financed by the PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, that will start in the autumn of 2013. Its main goal is to create a complete and falsifiable grammatical analysis of three northwestern Bantu languages: Myene (B10, Gabon), an A90 language (Cameroon) and an A30 language (Cameroon or Equatorial Guinea).

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Dictionnaire: Éton – Français

Depuis 2012, un comité pour le développement de la langue éton est sur place dans la ville d’Obala au Cameroun. Ce comité, animé par Kisito Essele Essele, s’était proposé de cultiver la langue éton en général et de créer une orthographe pratique en particulier.
En août 2012, Mark Van de Velde a rencontré le comité à Obala et lors de cette rencontre nous avons décidé de réunir nos forces afin d’élaborer un dictionnaire éton-français.

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Comparative documentation of the Myene language cluster

Although the Bantu languages are in general among the better studied on the African continent, very few of them have been thoroughly described and documented. In countries such as Gabon, where the indigenous languages are rapidly being replaced by French, this is worrying observation. The Myene project, funded by ELDP, aims at a rich documentation of all Myene varieties that will serve as a corpus for subsequent descriptive work.

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Description and comparison of the Adamawa languages of Nigeria

The Adamawa languages are hardly studied, especially those spoken in Nigeria. There is a nearly complete absence of published descriptive studies, and statements on the internal classification of Adamawa are sometimes based on word lists with hardly more than ten items, gathered in the first half of the twentieth century. Dmitry Idiatov and I recently started the description of three Adamawa languages spoken in Adamawa State, Nigeria, viz. Kwa, Libo and Yungur.


RefLex is an ambitious research project set up by Guillaume Segerer of LLACAN.

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