Linguistique et Langues Africaines (LLA) is an international, open-access, double-blind peer reviewed journal devoted to the study of African languages and linguistics. LLA contents are published under a CC BY-SA license.

LLA is supported by the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (InSHS) of the CNRS.

Aim and scope

The journal Linguistique and Langues Africaines (LLA) was founded in 2015 and is published by Llacan, a joint research unit of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Inalco University and the EPHE school of advanced studies of the PSL University.

LLA provides a forum for linguists working on the phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics and semantics of African languages. The main purpose of LLA is to enlarge our knowledge and understanding of the enormous linguistic diversity in Africa, much of which is still sparsely documented. Contributions to LLA are expected to be data-driven (e.g. primary data from fieldwork or other corpus data), and the discussion of theoretical issues is appreciated to the extent that it helps to elucidate the data and remains accessible to persons that are not specialists in the relevant theory. All major theoretical frameworks are equally welcome. We are also interested in historical-comparative, areal linguistic and ethnolinguistic contributions.

We publish original research papers: articles and book reviews in English or French. Authors willing to submit in another language are invited to contact the editors. After submission, articles will undergo a double-blind peer review by external experts different from those of the editorial committee.

LLA encourages the deposit of articles in public open archives (perennial, public platforms on which the deposit does not entail the transfer of rights). LLA allows authors to deposit the “publisher’s PDF version” of their articles immediately after publication.

Peer reviewing process

The peer review coordination of each submitted paper is assigned to a member of the editorial board. The coordinator finds external reviewers and ensures contacts with them during the reviewing process (max. 3 months). On the basis of the peer reviewers’ reports and the recommendations of the coordinator, the editorial board members decide whether a submission is accepted for publication and, if yes, under which conditions. The external reviews, the recommendations of the editorial board and their official decision are passed on to the authors by the editor-in-chief.

After the final revised version of an article has been submitted, the author and LLA sign a non-exclusive copyright transfer agreement.

The editorial team has opted for the Métopes structured publishing process.

Submission guidelines

Please send article submissions to the editors. Articles that are under active consideration with another journal or another publication outlet may be not submitted.

Each article should include an abstract and 5 keywords in English, French and, if necessary, in the language of the article. The word limit for book reviews is 10,000 characters. Artwork should be provided in .tif files, with a 300 dpi resolution, along with native files, when possible.

Please submit an anonymized version of the article both as a doc and pdf file. (Please contact us if you prefer to submit a LaTeX file).

Bibliographical references

We encourage you to use Zotero (Unified style sheet for linguistics) for in-text and footnote citations (author-year schema), as well as for the reference list at the end of the article. List only and all works that are cited in the paper.