Séminaires Llacan

Séminaire du Llacan – 15 novembre 2023‎ – Miracle OPPONG PEPRAH : « SOCIO-CULTURAL PRACTICES IN BURAK »

Le mercredi 15 novembre 2023, de 10h à 11h, Miracle OPPONG PEPRAH fera une présentation intitulée SOCIO-CULTURAL PRACTICES IN BURAK.


Burak is an endangered linguistic minority group situated in north-eastern Nigeria. The number of Burak speakers is unknown, however, the 2006 official census estimates a population of 20,196. Hausa is the language of wider communication within the community, while Burak is used in specific domains, notably in conversations among elders and during festive occasions like the Burak Day.

Burak has a wide array of interesting traditions and rituals and in my talk I will provide an overview of some of them, including marriage practices, the funeral ritual, the Burak day celebration and some taboos.

Burak culture encourages endogamous marriages. It is noteworthy to underscore that in the Burak community, women have the freedom to openly engage in relationships with multiple men prior to marriage. Divorce is permissible and can be initiated by either party. In the event of a husband’s death, it is expected that the brother of the widow will marry her.

Traditionally, funerals are not held for individuals who die before reaching the age of 50 years.

Among the various festivities in Burak, the Burak day celebration is the most esteemed. This annual event unites people from both far and near to commemorate life through the performance of customary dances and the promotion of unity. The snatching of young girls who are betrothed by potential suitors from neighboring villages is one of these events’ highlights.

The Burak people’s adherence to taboos is deeply intertwined with their religious beliefs. Specific examples of these taboos within the Burak culture include the banning of women from going to the shrine, prohibition of farming activities when there is a deceased individual nearby and the consumption of certain animals such as the revered banahene snake.

Keywords: Language endangerment, Linguistic diversity, Socio cultural practices, Social Inclusion, Taboos

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Code secret : 81Llacan35