Jour : 28 mars 2022

Séminaires Llacan

Séminaire du Llacan – mercredi 6 avril 2022 – Maria Khachaturyan: «Language contact and multilingual language socialization: a case study of Mano and Kpelle in Guinea»

Le mercredi 6 avril 2022, de 10h à 11h, Maria Khachaturyan fera une présentation intitulée «Language contact and multilingual language socialization: a case study of Mano and Kpelle in Guinea».


This talk presents an ongoing project on multilingualism and language contact between Mano and Kpelle, two Mande languages spoken in the South-East of Guinea. It aims to address the following puzzle: while language contact can be responsible for convergence in certain structural features and yield in particular areal phenomena, languages in contact have an option to remain distinct, such that overall differences do not diminish and in some cases even increase (Evans 2019). One key to the puzzle, I argue, lies in individual language socialization trajectories, whereby transfer features in early stages of acquisition get « sorted out » and discriminated in the process of lifelong learning. Some residue of transfer effects may remain, however, leading to stable contact-induced change. I discuss language ecology and ideology as factors shaping the language learning process in complex ways. I address these questions through a case study of the acquisition of reflexive marking in Mano under the influence of Kpelle.

Lien Zoom pour assister au séminaire :

ID  réunion : 956 5474 1763

Code secret : 81Llacan35

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