Jour : 30 août 2021


Exposé de Sebastian Nordhoff (Language Science Press, Berlin)-Technical, legal, and social aspects of Open Science in linguistics – le 09 septembre 2021, 14-15h30 au LACITO

Organisé par le LACITO, LLACAN et SeDyL & séance du séminaire « Science Ouverte » du campus de Villejuif.

Date : Jeudi 9 septembre 2021, 14-15h30 au LACITO

Lieu : Campus CNRS de Villejuif, bât. D, salle 311

Mode : hybride (Zoom / en présentiel)

Lien Zoom :

Meeting-ID : 928 2456 5171

Code : EYk9ff

Merci de confirmer votre participation (à distance ou en présentiel) auprès d’Yvonne Treis (

Résumé : Open Science is a concept which can be applied to all stages of the research workflow in linguistics: we have the gathering of data, the transformation and enrichment of data via scripts or human annotation, and the publication of research findings in books or articles. Data, scripts, and publications should all be made as open as possible in order for other researchers to engage with and build upon the research being undertaken. In this talk, Sebastian Nordhoff will show how these aspects of openness can be realised during the production of a linguistic book, using the open access publisher Language Science Press as an example. Topics discussed include file formats and criteria to choose among them, workflows, collaborative editing and versioning, linguistic data repositories, linguistic preprint servers, disambiguation of documents and researchers, long term preservation, discoverability, reusability, legal aspects, and the impact of reputation and prestige. These aspects will be exemplified via the workflow of a manuscript, showing how and where at each stage there are potentials for making each step more open, transparent, and collaborative.

Bio : Sebastian Nordhoff holds a PhD in linguistics from the University of Amsterdam and has worked on the languages of Paraguay and Sri Lanka. He has authored « A grammar of Upcountry Sri Lanka Malay » and edited « Electronic Grammaticography » (University of Hawai’i Press, 2012) and « Linked Data in Linguistics » (Springer, 2012). He was also responsible for the first edition of Since 2014, he runs Language Science Press, where over 150 fully open access books have been published as of today.

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