Jour : 13 juin 2024


Numéro spécial de Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads : Ideophones: honing in on a descriptive and typological concept

Un numéro spécial de Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, intitulé Ideophones: honing in on a descriptive and typological concept, vient de paraitre. Il a été co-édité par Yvonne Treis (avec Aimée Lahaussois et Julie Marsault) et contient, entre autres, des contributions de Ronny Meyer sur l’amharique, Nicolas Quint & Noël Bernard Biagui sur les créoles à base lexicale portugaise de l’Afrique Occidentale, Rozenn Guérois sur le sena et Yvonne Treis sur le kambaata. Le tout est en open access.
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Séminaires Llacan

Séminaire du Llacan – 26 juin 2024, Guillaume Guitang (Université libre de Bruxelles) : Système temporel du Gisey (tchadique)

Le mercredi 26 juin 2024, de 10h à 11h, nous recevons Guillaume Guitang (Université libre de Bruxelles), pour une communication sur le système temporel du Gisey (tchadique).

Gizey: (genuinely) tenseless?

Based on a strictly morphological characterization of tense as an inflectional category of the verb, I recently claimed that Gizey is tenseless (see e.g., Guitang 2024), viz., it does not express temporal reference (the relationship between reference time (aka topic time) and utterance time (aka time of speech), see, e.g., Klein 1994) via verbal morphology. In line with this analysis, temporal reference is understood to be marked mainly via temporal adverbs and temporal particles. However, viewpoint aspect, perfective and imperfective, which is marked inflectionally, also tends to constrain temporal reference, mainly past and nonpast, respectively. Now, if paradigmatic aspectual marking can predict temporal reference, can Gizey still be described as tenseless? Note that a tenseless language is generally seen as “a language that does not have paradigmatic expressions that convey a temporal relation between the topic time and the utterance time” (Tonhauser 2015: 132). In this talk, I will first review the evidence that the paradigmatic expression seen on Gizey verbs is aspect and not tense. Then, I will assess Gizey’s tenselessness based on what tenselessness means across different languages.

  • Guitang, Guillaume. 2024. A morphosyntactic description of Gizey (Chadic). Brussels: Université libre de Bruxelles PhD dissertation.
  • Klein, Wolfgang. 1994. Time in language. London: Routledge.
  • Tonhauser, Judith. 2015. Cross-Linguistic Temporal Reference. Annual review of linguistics. Annual Reviews 1(1). 129–154.

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