Séminaires Llacan

Séminaire du Llacan – 24 janvier 2024‎, Dmitry IDIATOV : Vowel reduction to /i/ in functional morphemes in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa

Le mercredi 24 janvier 2024, de 10h à 11h, Dmitry IDIATOV fera une présentation intitulée « Vowel reduction to /i/ in functional morphemes in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa».


I demonstrate that in many languages of Northern Sub-Saharan Africa vowel qualities of functional morphemes tend to be neutralized through raising, fronting and unrounding towards /i/, similarly to what has been described by Idiatov (2020:65) for the TAM and polarity markers of Greater Manding languages. Besides being typologically uncommon, vowel reduction to /i/ in functional morphemes can be argued to be an areal phenomenon in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa, as it is attested in various language families of the area and appears to be absent in the genetically related languages spoken outside of this area.

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Code secret : 81Llacan35