Current ELDP research projects

A documentation and description of the Dza language (2023-2025)

(Nlabephee Kefas Othaniel)


View finished ELDP research projects

Finished ELDP contracts

A documentation project of Baa, an Adamawa language of Nigeria (2017-2018)

(Mirjam Möller)

Baa (kwb) is a minority language of eastern Nigeria, with no previous description or documentation. The aim of this project is to create a representative corpus of primary data consisting of annotated texts (both audio and video), including different types of texts and speech events. The corpus is the main tool to document the grammatical features of the language, which will result in a descriptive grammar of Baa. Another major part of the project is the training of community members in documentation techniques, and initial literacy materials being developed and published together with community members.

Kakabe Documentation (2013-2016)

(Alexandra Vydrina)

Kakabe (kke) is a little known Mande language, spoken in Guinea, Fouta-Jallon. Its future is severely threatened by the increasing use of Pular. The project aims at producing a representative corpus of annotated texts (audio and video), a reference grammar and two dictionaries (Kakabe-English and Kakabe-French). It will also involve the development of written standards for the language, and the preparation of texts that will be made accessible to the community.

Siwi Documentation (2012-2013)

(Valentina Schiattarella)

The goal of the project is the documentation of the Siwi language (Berber language family, Afroasiatic phylum), a variety of Berber spoken in the Siwa oasis (Egypt) considered “definitely endangered” by the Atlas of UNESCO. A corpus of primary data is created, which is useful for the community and for berberologists who work on the comparison of Berber varieties. The main features of the language, especially as regards morphosyntax and discourse, are documented. Special attention is given to data elicited from women, which remain unknown because the conservatism of the society prohibited male researchers to undertake this work.

Baskeet Documentation (2011-2013)

(Yvonne Treis)

Baskeet (bst) is a little known Omotic language spoken by about 60,000 speakers at the fringes of the Ethiopian highlands in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia (6.34N 36.61 E). The project focuses on the linguistic and ethnographic documentation of endangered literary genres, namely songs, poems, prayers and ceremonial speech, which are being abandoned in the course of rapid socio-cultural changes. The project will, firstly, produce a multi-media documentation (text, audio, video) of these culturally emblematic endangered domains and, secondly, contribute to a longer-range project of an extensive documentation of Baskeet with a dictionary at its core.

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Documentation Myènè (2010-2013)

(Mark Van de Velde)

La documentation comparative des parlers myènè est un projet de recherches du LLACAN (UMR 8135 du CNRS) en collaboration avec l’Université Omar Bongo. Il s’agit d’un grand projet de documentation (« major documentation project ») financé par l’ELDP (Endangered Languages Documentation Programme), qui résultera en un ensemble important et diversifié d’enregistrements transcrits de tous les aspects de la communication en les six variantes myènè, à savoir l’adjumba, l’enenga, le galwa, le mpongwe, le nkomi et l’orungu.

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